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忧郁症Depression(中英对照)) q9 Q5 o  C- ]% n* v% O& a4 i9 [
关键词:忧郁症、情绪障碍、自杀、睡眠障碍、失眠、心理治疗、心理辅导、depression、mood disorder、suicide、sleeping disorder、insomnia、psychotherapy、counseling

# q9 v1 c- K$ b& S7 ~什麽是忧郁症?
- C( x9 {$ [& \/ Y5 }忧郁症是一种情绪障碍,使得患者处于一种悲哀的情绪之中。忧郁症可以改变一个人的思维、情感、和行为,和单纯的情绪“低落”不同。忧郁症不是个性缺陷,也不是可以通过意志驱赶开去的。当抑郁情绪持续存在或者已影响到每天的生活,可能就说明需要寻求专业人员的帮助了。
; g, O5 {7 A+ T8 U+ K! J; D6 |) c  ~- ?
; @1 a, ~. B  ^9 a7 o* `3 b

7 k/ K; m1 u" S/ |  K8 U5 U" J- Y% c: ~/ Y/ d: s$ F9 j
什麽原因导致忧郁症?, j0 c/ ~5 ~3 g1 v5 X* _' R
5 [& c( {& L5 ~' [9 R/ t, e
忧郁症的发病原因不是单一的,家族史、大脑化学物质、和压力都可能在其中起作用。有些时候,忧郁症可能和一下因素相关:4 e2 d, q% u. Y6 Q$ R3 q  h
- 亲人去世* B  l' Z! V; E( h8 d
- 经济困境
  K8 y) e/ o: `) |. L6 \6 |. j- 家庭出现问题6 G+ F% j; D/ n# U% f& N
- 人际关系问题
! W9 y6 G" v/ {7 k- 工作问题$ r) k" a4 K# P0 s( S" }

2 S* D8 N1 K) \  S
  d$ t1 S  x  g' B, p$ [& u! o
5 c4 v4 @  \# b) f% P. A( u) i忧郁症的症状:
3 M) D" H1 T9 Z( r+ r- n0 R( c( t3 X. f% r, _7 p
不是每个忧郁症患者都表现出所有的症状,而且随着时间的改变症状也会发生变化。; D5 p$ T8 L! {, P( U$ B; f( m
# `% H0 C+ y$ b6 ?
- 悲哀的情绪-想哭/哭而没有明显的
- ~4 p' V& |5 l4 h4 M/ Q* h6 U诱因! L! L" r1 o% u; e/ d0 w& h
- 感觉绝望或空虚" h0 o; B& }, G3 a* X: u( b
- 感觉内疚或自身没有价值* v/ J' _( {0 U3 D+ n
- 对过去喜欢做的事情失去兴趣或不能# U7 s9 ~) z" F
+ f8 [& v, j, `& ^( F- 精力下降或感到疲倦. _3 Z; }, V% M* L' M" v
- 思考问题能力下降或记忆力下降; m* \+ g' e8 X
- 睡眠过多或过少" e/ A7 A/ U1 }
- 食欲下降或增加
, I* W4 V3 p7 s' y9 f- 自杀的念头$ S* T& x: w  A; ^9 ]1 ?) t5 l& Q

. b/ I- F) [( s) M: t  e
( f8 f6 w/ G  {+ E7 o3 Q
+ K7 h4 U7 s! C/ {# A; Q8 F6 s忧郁症的治疗7 Q, Z, D  _  R1 k  `# ]! Q- Y( s

7 G4 k6 Z  M- \) Z忧郁症对治疗的反应良好。治疗忧郁症的方法又多种,最有效的治疗方法包括心理治疗和药物治疗,两者结合效果更好。家人、朋友、和自助小组的支持也很重要。0 n: `9 Z7 b8 p1 ^" s, Z$ d6 k

# b% `9 z8 Q& g. D/ F5 y! [
! _& [  e: u! D/ u% V0 E$ |
9 U9 R4 b) z: a4 u8 W7 T; T4 i: C% H. V5 e. B& b# P8 C5 c

) }. u5 \( y7 Y
% }% }8 s! `! x1 Y+ e0 x, ]- W7 Z+ N8 t  }! R$ o8 _+ p4 F, H6 c
3 v& U: @+ I8 k" ~9 ?

( ^9 T! ]4 M, e5 j4 Z: H5 B# J8 P! wWhat is Depression?( r8 u8 K. f, J6 x

$ b8 Y2 W) `/ N0 ~& p7 k; NDepression is a mood disorder. It is when a person feels very sad. Depression can change the way a person thinks, feels and behaves. It is not the same as feeling “blue”. It is not a sign of personal weakness or something that can be wished away. When a depressed mood stays for a long time or gets in the way of everyday living, it may be a sign of a serious depression that needs
3 a) K( @' W. F8 D' b8 |: C+ Tprofessional help.* ?4 j" M6 s. _9 T; J1 d

: b' C3 j  F2 F' Q, _( m- _( I
- Q2 Q$ `. w6 ?' \! w1 Q; MWhat causes depression?
) e2 _( h/ y+ C! p+ m* ~, a6 ~4 |* k* p5 G5 r/ n. W
There is no one reason why someone develops Depression. Family history,
" h9 g: n& [) s* j4 u- Pbrain chemistry and stress play a big role in producing the illness.
/ j  y/ b  R& ]5 ]1 H- E0 c; XSometimes Depression is caused by:2 O3 {3 B5 w# f5 H. ?2 n

2 y/ A9 K7 F3 @8 Z% X$ `the death of a loved one
$ |3 K; f( J  |! s2 L3 hmoney problems) C* _. o2 {' X, N* Q7 ^, t3 Y
family troubles8 w( P0 J  m$ p" K
difficulties with others
. m/ d" o5 p; _) f3 v, w; V5 nproblems at work9 Y. t; s' @  U1 a$ @
- j& `/ f% N  |) o" @% R

4 M8 H. o8 Y0 b% [; C  N* zSigns and Symptoms9 o% _* A; \# _

) \0 r4 }( M8 ]1 {5 w8 BNot everyone who is depressed has every symptom and the symptoms may change over time." ]. w* x$ C) N( b
; I4 |3 G2 g6 F2 t6 s9 C$ z0 W" R; ^  `
Feeling sad – crying for no obvious reason1 U# K1 k4 u: e
Feeling hopeless or empty" J( g8 o/ R( A1 U' ?
Feeling guilty or worthless
; Z3 _6 e1 \: |2 g  B) R6 ]) i7 PLoss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed% O4 A, t3 f2 E
Low energy or feeling tired5 j" [4 C5 H( a0 ]
Difficulty thinking or remembering things% ?. `) \! R" N3 R9 j
Sleeping too much or too little
/ ?' n& A3 _9 vEating less or more than usual
5 u. `: r2 @4 u* k9 e7 v# j  YThoughts of suicide, e0 g2 x/ K5 h2 j9 |
! A1 w$ S  w3 P$ V+ q5 o* z7 D
$ M/ g5 p# l" Y: o5 Y& J* J
What are the treatments?) e" R( n% _' ?. `
& M/ A* s% z+ ]3 ?, b6 E
Depression can respond well to treatment. There are different types of( E, ]* |% G' }" S5 p
treatment. The most common and successful approach is combining) r7 z5 W7 J) R
psychotherapy and antidepressant) W$ ~  \% D  l) D3 G
medications. Support from family, friends and self help groups can also be very helpful.
5 T2 `# L1 d: X9 y5 u9 o, [
* c! c9 E8 U- F5 i9 f
( L; {: [7 i; U( S
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